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Hi All,

I am trying to embed a Figma Prototype into a Webflow created website and have it still be responsive at different breakpoints. All the support I have seen online is not addressing the issue for me.

Using the embed code from Figma and changing the iframe settings width and height to be 100%, the prototype still remains it’s fixed dimensions and does not scale with screensize. I have also tried containing it within a div block class and modifying the dimensions/scaling of the div block. Everything I have tried just results in it being cut off and cropped without any scaling to the actual prototype.

Any advice on how to get a an iframe to be responsive in Webflow would be greatly appreciated.

Hey Isaac – are you using the Webflow plugin?

I don’t know if I’ll be much help for this topic, but wanted to check on that first.

I have the same issue in 2025, almost 😅

Embed code was copied from Figma to Webflow’s embed section. Width and height changed to 100% to keep it responsive.

The result is a shrunk window where is only Figma UI elements visible, the whole prototype is somewhere else.

Looking forward to finding a solution.
