Hey @john-mainboard, sorry for the trouble!
No - we have not gotten rid of unlimited drafts, but we did make a change to how drafts work back in June.
All drafts must exist within a team now. From what I can see on the backend, you are the owner of the original file, and it exists within the Mainboard team. Is that correct?
From what I can see from your screenshot, you may be trying to copy the file from a team where you only have view access. Please ensure that you are within the Mainboard team before trying to duplicate the file.
All my files were moved from the general drafts to the project drafts in June, because that was a required step. So it’s not that.
The files that were copied and had the issue, just started working again like before a few hours after the duplication process. Now I believe Figma must have suffered some sort of cloud issue/attack, because this hasn’t even happened before. You couldn’t even deleted the files, open them, or touch them in any way, they were just sitting there as Copy XXX in the drafts?
It’s extremely worrying that this glitch could affect us from working on our files.
Hey @john-mainboard, sorry for the oversight on my part!
I confirmed with the team that we had a service disruption yesterday that caused teams/files to be in an invalid state, preventing users from being able to copy or edit files that they had a full seat/edit access to because we were making other changes on the backend.
As you mentioned, this was cleared up on the backend within a few hours.
Hi I am having this same issue.
Taking an online Figma course.
Opening assignment files in Figma yesterday was working fine.
Today I can edit the file but cannot move, export, or copy to drafts.
This was fixed after a new feature introduction.
You must first place the draft in any team’s space in order to have edit rights.
Drafts without a team space will not offer export, move, copy features.