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For the past two weeks, my labeled dividers in a Figma file worked perfectly. These dividers were lines with text labels (—Text) that helped me organize the structure of my designs. However, today the labels suddenly disappeared, and the dividers now appear as plain line. When I double-click on a divider, the text label is still there and editable, but it no longer displays on the canvas as it used to.

I’ve attached a screenshots showing the current behavior and a video demonstrating how the labeled dividers worked before this issue occurred.

Could this be a bug and will it be fixed soon?

I have the same issue. Could you please fix this?

I have exactly the same problem as OP described.

Same here. Having titles for a group of pages is very useful.

Same issue for me, my client is confused as well.

Also having this issue, commenting for visibility. Seems like they rolled something out that broke this. It’s confusing for my business partners who aren’t super Figma/tech savvy. 🫤

I’m having the same issue but I have a solution!

Figma is currently converting pages into dividers if you have a space or a hyphen (possibly other characters too) before any text but only if the page is empty.

Solution: If you add an element to a page’s canvas, like simply drawing a rectangle, then rename to whatever you like, it will never convert it to a divider. Presumably because a divider isn’t actually a page so it can’t have content.

Now I can format my pages any way I please again.

Got the same thing. Please fix it. It was very usefull!

Thank you for sharing your solution! However, I’m dealing with a slightly different issue. My goal is to have dividers with text in the name, such as s — Text]. These pages are intentionally left empty — they don’t require any content.

The problem is that Figma seems to have changed how it processes these pages. Previously, they would remain as proper text dividers (as shown at the 8-second in the video at the top of the thread). Now, Figma is treating them as regular dividers instead.

Please fix this issue, that was super useful for keeping your file in order.
