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All - semi noob here and wanted to make sure im starting down the right path.

My developers are using vs code with MUI to build out our front end. Id like to redo my Figma designs with the same default mui library components so i can just export the new Figma designs in code to them.

From all i can tell its as easy as 1) importing the mui for Figma design library, 2) using those components on the new Figma screens (in developer mode?), and then e) exporting the vs code and css (maybe with another export tool like rendition?)

Is it that simple or am i missing something? Id hate to get 1/2 way through and te realize the assumption was wrong.

If there are different libraries, tools, etc to do what i need please lmk.

Thanks for any help - and (sorta) sorry for asking such a basic question.

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