Hi there. Yesterday by chance I deleted 8 files that I cannot find anong the drafts or deleted drafts, so brobably they are deleted permanently. Does exist any chance to restore these files? 🙏
Hi there!
Did you delete it forever permanently? (The good news is that we don’t permanently delete files from Figma unless you manually click “delete forever” or if you delete the team or project that the file was in.) Please check our Help Center article: Delete and restore files.
If you have deleted forever manually, it is a permanent action. For more information about our data deletion policies, please see our article on Deleting and restoring files and section 6.5 Deleting Content from our Terms of Service (TOS) and our Privacy Policy. For General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) related information, please review this Help Article.
If not, I’d recommend you to reach out directly to the support team with a link to the file (you can find it in your browser’s history) by filling this form: here The team will check on its state and location. You can grab the url in the desktop app by right-clicking the open tab → Copy link.
Hi, helle first of all you have to check your recycle bin because if we deleted any files its gone first in recycle bin so there are a chance to get back those files. If you deleted your files permanently with the help of short key then you need to take any third party programme to get back your deleted file. I recommend you, first try free veriosn of any software like BLR data recovery tool. This is also a free edition.
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