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If i set the color of an Arrow to red and the set this as the “default properties” in the main menu → Edit → Set Default Properties, then all new arrows draw will be red, which is great.

However, if I close the session and re-open the figma, the default properties are lost and the default black arrow is drawn for all new arrows…

Is this a bug, or am i missing something in order to maintain the default properties between sessions?

I’ve been annoyed by this the last couple of months and went here to ask about this myself. This is a bug in my opinion.

In Sketch the default properties are saved on a global level. This should at least be saved on a document level

Hi there,

Thanks for flagging. Our team has confirmed that this is a longstanding issue related to saving default properties beyond a session. While we don’t have an exact timeline for when you’ll see improvements, please know that it’s on our radar for the future.



I’m still unable to get “Set default properties” to do anything at all.
