I am trying to create a plugin that will create a frame inside all parent frames called ‘#watermark’, this is my end goal. But first I need to create a frame inside another and can work out how. Documentation has this:
`// By default, the new node has a white background, width and height both at 100,
// and is parented under figma.currentPage.
const frame = figma.createFrame()
// Move to (50, 50)
frame.x = 0
frame.y = 550
// Set size to 1280 x 720
frame.resize(500, 350);`
But how can I pin it to a parent frame?
My Page setup is: Page 1 > 3x Frames (Frame One, Frame Two, Frame Three).
const currentPage = figma.currentPage;
const childFrames = currentPage.findChildren(n => n.type === "FRAME");
Console Logs:
- PAGE: Page 1 - ID: 0:1
- CHILD FRAMES: Frame One - ID: 1:2
- CHILD FRAMES: Frame Two - ID: 1:3
- CHILD FRAMES: Frame Three - ID: 1:10