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Hi !

in the counterAxisSpacing property, documented here :

I see no reference to auto, which is something that can be set in Figma and has an effect similar to justify-content: space-between in css/flex

Am i missing something, or is it not implemented in the API?


You should look at the counterAxisAlignContent property if you want to understand the spacing between tracks, which should have 'SPACE_BETWEEN' instead of 'AUTO' in this case.

If youโ€™re more interested in the spacing along the primary axis, then you can look at primaryAxisAlignItems.

Check out this page (layoutMode | Plugin API) if you want a list of all the autolayout-related properties.

Hi ! iโ€™m sorry i forgot to reply to this !

thanks for your insight, it totally clarified the misconception i was having about that.

