I was rewatching/analyzing the last config 2023. There is a scene when Dylan clicking through products to add them to the cart. Cool, but…
Here: https://youtu.be/yI9QVwkk2Go?si=4ehqVgrmpMTcpeMJ&t=1500
As you can see - he has 3 modes, each mode is a separate product visible on the list.
When he clicks on the product card and goes to the “product” frame, the content replaces itself depending on what he has clicked.
- It seems there is a logic that switches modes - I was looking for this, and seems to be currently unavailable.
- Images are somehow connected - I’ve found a workaround by creating components with variants of different photos and assigning variables for the property. Sounds great, doesn’t work as this works only on top-level instances, not for nested ones!
I wonder if they presented us something still unachievable, or for 1st point there were hidden frames with different modes selected?
For 2nd point - does it mean Dylan had repeatable elements on the “Shop” frame that were not components/instances?!
Does anybody know how to achieve what he did? Are there any shared files of this on the community?