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When I tap on plus and minus on the counter, white card moves and comes back to its place when the interaction is done although the two frames are identical. It happens in all projects I do. What am I doing wrongly?

As I understand it, this is a problem, wash away Figma. This is how anti-aliasing works for smart animations.

There is no solution to this problem. Try to make a project with the same component structure.

Try different approaches when creating your project.

I also have the same issue. Does anyone know if this is just a general problem with the way prototyping is handled in Figma? Or if it’s only started happening in a recent release? Be great to hear if anyone knows if there is any way round it.

I solved this problem by creating multiple frames. The top frame should be “no scroll” (at the exact size you need for the prototype view) and needs to hold the fixed component only. The frames underneath can be “vertical scroll” or “horizontal scroll”.

I had a similar issue, the entire view would slightly shift up or down one pixel. It turns out the solution for me was to arrange my frames left to right rather than top to bottom in my Figma design file (identical design, just change their arrangement). Fixed it for me.

Thank you for the solution, it works

Damn right, I re-arranged my frames from left to right to top to bottom and it solved the issue.
