Hey @Jung_Lee_ESI 👋
Usually for this to not happen, you have to have your libraries enabled. Is that the case?
Is this happening randomly, or always with the same components?
What are you copying from where and to where? If you are copying an instance from one file to another, are all components this instance depends on published to the library?
This behavior was improved last summer and now it should mostly happen only when you are doing something a bit wrong. (But could still be some bugs around this, which should be reported to Figma support team via the support request form or support@figma.com.)
Yes, there are plugins like Master that can help you attach instances but if you are copying an instance from a non-published file, for example, it won’t be able to help.
Hey @Bruno_Figueiredo
This issue happened today and all of our instances(nested or otherwise) were detached without any notifications whatsoever. We published our library today and it was working fine the whole day before this nuisance started showing up out of nowhere. Trying to find a solution online but to no avail. Please help as many flows and prototypes are at stake right now.
@Bruno_Figueiredo I have the same issue still. When I copy+paste two instances to another file, they are still instances BUT if I cut+paste them they detach. Is this a “feature” I don’t know about or is it still a bug? Very confusing to have copy+paste and cut+paste as two completely different ways to handle instances.
Well. There still needs to be an answer or solution to this issue. The problem persists today.
I’ve found a quick solution and it’s worked for me.
Setup before fixing it:
- I’ve made a component with atomic design principles
- I publish my component
- I’ve linked my destination file to my library
My problem:
When copy/paste the main component, certains atoms detached automatically.
- Rename all the components that were detached without putting “_” (Example: order_type ==> orderType)
- Publish your component
- Update your destination file