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I understand that color is not part of the text style definition in Figma, but is there a plugin that associates colors with text styles?

None of the supposed advantages of omitting color from the type style spec apply to our workgroup. We have an established design system that we work with. It uses nine colors. There is virtually no tweaking of the text styles and there are no styles that exist simply because the color is different from another style.

But now, what was a one-step process (apply the style) is a two-step-process (apply the style and then the color), and we have to worry about remembering what colors go with what styles and whether people across the team are applying them consistently, or remembering to apply the color at all. Including the color in the style def should at least be an option.

I know this question is two years old but it continues to blow my mind that we can’t define a color as part of a style definition. It is very common, perhaps standard, practice to define colors as an intrinsic part of the typographic hierarchy β€” e.g. H1s are this color, H2s that color, blockquotes this color, captions that color, etc. Yet there is no way to do that in Figma, which is just bizarre and requires designers to separately apply the text style and its associated color every time one of those textual elements is used. It’s very tedious and error prone. Every other design tool out there considers color something that is definable in a text style! Simply making it an option to define a color for text in the style β€” if no color was set things would behave just as they do today β€” seems like such a no-brainer.
