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It just doesn’t return results. Generally, Figma been running sooooo slow. Constantly needing to reload pages/files each time you focus on the file… Then there are the conectivity issues (failing to save to cloud)… What a mess.

CleanShot 2024-10-25 at 12.41.59

Hi there,

thanks for reaching out. It looks strange.

Could you try the troubleshooting below?

  • Close any Figma tabs you’re not using

  • Browser : Force-quit and open Figma in a new browser window.

  • Desktop App: Force-quit the Figma Desktop app and restart it. If the issue persists, try clearing the cache.

If the issue still continues, could you submit a bug report detailing the steps that led to this issue? You can do so by following the link:

Figma Learn - Help Center

Thanks for your patience.


Yes, tried all the usual tricks. Cleared App Cache, Uninstalled, reinstalled, restarted laptop… No joy.

Ok I have discovered the problem is only in Libary Files, hope that helps.

I’m experiencing the same issue with the search (and other issues noted which aren’t related, but are frustrating). When typing the name of an asset I know exists, it continually has the spinning circle and never loads any results. It doesn’t matter if I change which libraries I’m searching in.

I discovered something interesting which seems to have fixed the search (at least temporarily and at least for the project and files I was working with at the time I had the search issue).

Here’s the workaround / way I fixed mine:

I went to the project file which contains the assets I wanted to find, and then I made sure to publish all changes (note: the published changes had nothing to do with the assets I was searching for from the other file). When I went back to my current project file and searched, the assets immediately were found as expected.

I think there’s a bug in the library code which deals with publishing and updates. If a library has changes which aren’t published, regardless of whether they are related to the asset being searched, it seems to break the search from other projects / files. Hopefully this helps

I just sent this info into the Figma support to create a ticket. Hopefully it will help them fix the issue globally.
