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Hi all,

I’m hitting this strange / unexplained behavior where, the gradient definition is done as, blue color coming from bottom left corner, to pink on top right.

In this screen you can see, in color picker the angle seems correct. However when I apply it to the Frame, it’s wrong, it’s going top left to bottom right, like it’s somehow “shifted” when applied to a frame, even though the stops and angle don’t seem to go in that direction.

Is this a bug?

Hey @Florian_Monfort - can you capture a screen recording of what happens when you apply this gradient? Would like to get a look at this in real time to review and share with support.

Unfortunately I needed this fixed asap coz it was showing in the entire DS, screwing up many components.

So what I did is, I completely reset the Fill property by deleting it completely inside the Style. Then re-created the Gradient again, then it was correct.

I opened a ticket to support but never heard back, what I could do is supply the Figma link of the DS file, then you could use Version Control to access an older version of it to test it yourself.

Please accept my apologies with that – I checked with support, and it looks like a reply was sent to you this week, but I understand how the delay was not ideal for you. There’s been a bit of a backup on our end that you were unfortunately wrapped up in.

With that, it does look like there’s something we’d like to look into further as a potential bug. If you ever have time, we’d appreciate you sending a recording mentioned in the support email sent to you (let me know if you didn’t receive that).
