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I have been using Figma everyday for almost 2 years and have never been able to use “Constrain proportions” because it simply doesn’t work. Why is this in the UI? Am I missing something?

EDIT: Before anyone says “use the up/down keys”, this action breaks snap-to-pixel-grid and is far too time consuming when resizing to other components.

It applies when you are entering size values in the numeric input field to the left of this button. That’s why it’s placed there, not in constraints which affect how the object resizes on canvas.

How do I “constrain proportions” in the constraints panel?

You can’t.

You need to hold “Shift” while dragging, so you can keep the proportions.

So let’s get this straight, Constrain Proportions setting is only functional for manual keyboard entry of pixel size.


  • Does not constrain proportions when resizing via mouse

  • Does not respect snap to pixel grid

That’s correct.

This is so wrong.

There’s a work around beyond holding gShift]. You can use Scale pressing gK] and it will work as well.

I am more interested in this functionality being applied when resizing parent frames. Pressing k instead of holding shift is still manual tinkering. Also, the scale tool doesn’t respect snap to pixel grid.

Not sure if I’m missing an ‘upvote’ button here, but I agree with Adam. This just feels like an absent feature.

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