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When I’m sharing a project with a client or a team member with a viewer seat, I’d like to allow them to navigate through the prototype and try out the different modes I’ve used to design the product. Like light mode and dark mode or other colour themes or UI variants.

I group my user paths into a section to which I apply a particular mode. By selecting the section and changing the mode all my UI takes on the colours and logos provided by the variables and modes I’ve defined.

I don’t understand why my colleagues can’t use this feature… By doing this, Figma degrades the performance of the project by forcing me to duplicate all the user paths with each mode applied.

Please leave the possibility of changing the mode as ‘viewer’ or ‘dev mode’!

A post was merged into an existing topic: Variables: Ability to let ‘Viewers’ select color variables eg. Light/Dark

Thanks for the feedback, @1450_STUDIO !

We’ve merged your topic with an existing feature request from others in the community.