Hello again!
I am trying to replace an old token (paint style) with a new token without having to import the style by async key (to speed things up). We use a combination of the REST API and Figma’s API to make things performant but I am struggling to find how the data connects.
If get the REST API, the paint style has the below object output
"key": "364b7f55ed6d667ce2583d93df6b6e6c05757c56",
"file_key": "tccM0bdIgBt1SFL7spGcy1",
"node_id": "8146:263",
"style_type": "FILL",
"thumbnail_url": "https://s3-alpha-sig.figma.com/checkpoints/b7B/6HE/VXm2Jyd0UAENv0Rr/style_thumbnail_7.png?Expires=1668384000&Signature=SlwH4aiXCyUoB4PCpdnyk8Ki3ATHxULS7QpHOocZFudizrRJKh6QdxuIVodNvLk~car1cfjo1s0QZamKCdHAzYHncAcNk9slRk8rs-q7ZO9mvVMODOc8gYqK9A3PRy6VPm4qTkE-yjPq3WJksPsYqTbR66-E8k8K8VcaMl5wtXDAz6xxxRobL~1z8sc2toXAD0NKVse7D3ZoMZCd-mKdE7z2DQDHTZvd5ZOFP9QwhGX7gzb~~RfbFHd--AY38eNRRxgryavvjlg05lr2fuD5aeZ4cEfrzYeEwS-wVpdBf0vVvu0JjCzAC7gezTcbjjJ~VBI2o2Ie~t9AGqixm6Bqyw__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAINTVSUGEWH5XD5UA",
"name": "Light/$elevation.surface.hovered",
"description": "Hovered state of elevation.surface",
"created_at": "2022-09-25T23:58:41.879Z",
"updated_at": "2022-09-25T23:58:41.879Z",
"user": {
"id": "1092589794519853188",
"handle": "Lewis Healey",
"img_url": "https://s3-alpha.figma.com/profile/3906027b-84ff-4007-9b5b-d03ff1713897"
"sort_position": "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~LO"
But when I inspect a node within Figma and look for it’s that same paint style and its fillStyleId, I get “S:364b7f55ed6d667ce2583d93df6b6e6c05757c56,8146:5”. I can see the key inside this string but not sure what the 8146:5 is.
I am guessing a part is the node ID but I am unsure what the number represents after the semicolon. Would love to know how I can know that