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Hi, we’ve encountered a rather severe issue in the branching process: it seems that the merge feature only looks at the topmost element.

Try this:
create a file, and add a frame (it will represent a webpage, so name it “Page”).
Create branch A and add a header to Page (don’t merge yet)
Create branch B and add a footer to Page (don’t merge yet)

Now merge branch A. This will succeed without issues. The page in your main branch will now have a header.

In branch B you’ll get a notification that the main branch was updated, so you’ll need to update before you can merge. There will be a conflict on “Page” and the only 2 options you have are:

  • choose the Page from the main branch, but then you’ll loose the footer you just created
  • choose the Page from your own branch, removing the header that was added in Branch A

This issue is also described in more detail by another Figma user here

What makes it even worse is that if you have several screens in one SECTION, you can only choose between section. So you will risk loosing changes on several screens, either the ones your colleague created, or the ones you created.

Am I doing something wrong here? Or is there any solution to this problem?