Trying to find colors or shades of colors that fit well together is difficult. Using HSL/HSB makes it a lot easier than manually picking out hex codes. However, if there were the ability to increase or decrease the values of Hue, Saturation, and Lightness/Brightness (or RGB values) when one was selected using the scroll wheel, that would increase the ease of making different shades and palettes.
How it could work:
User clicks on a shapes fill property
User selects HSL/HSB/RGB
User selects one of the values
-Scrolling up/down increases/decreases the selected value respectively:
I know has a shades function, but it’s not quite the same as being able to easily manipulate HSL. I think this could be quite handy for finding muted versions of a primary color.
What are your thoughts? Does anyone use any plugins that do this?