Plz add Spelling & Grammar Check Functionality!

Our team is building out plans on Figma for an app, but we also do so much our our content collaboration for websites etc. here."

Often times, we end up writing or editing copy right on Figma (ease of workflow) and the fact that it doesn’t catch simple spelling/grammar slip ups is a bit of a bummer! Means we have to do really redundant proofreading to catch any misses. Sometimes you’re too close to the work to see your own mistakes!

Having a spell / grammar check and native flagging of misspellings (red underlines etc.) integrated would be the most lovely :slight_smile:

Laughing because i made typos in this post… face palm

A prime example.

This request was posted earlier on the forum. Please vote for this idea here: Spell Check.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Spell Check