Pinch-to-zoom unreliable

Hey @Madhu,

We merged your topic with a similar existing one. Most users in this thread had their previous issue solved when upgrading to the latest macOS.

Your issue began after upgrading your macOS - is that correct?

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Yes, I think so. Do you guys have any clue why this happens? Is there a fix?

I am using MacOS ventura 13.2.1 and thereā€™s an update, will try the latest one 13.3 to see if the problem still exists.

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Thanks Madhu. Let us know if you still hit the issues there.

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4 posts were split to a new topic: Pinch-to-zoom still unreliable on latest macOS

A post was merged into an existing topic: Pinch-to-zoom still unreliable on latest macOS Ventura 13.3

I used Figma for 2 hours today and I didnā€™t experience the issue. Will keep an eye out and report if anything occurs.

p.s: In the email notifications I receive, there is no link to this thread (would be really handy if there was one, saves the trouble of manually typing the url and finding my way back to this discussion).

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Thanks for letting us know, @Madhu!

In the notification email, there should be a link that says ā€œVisit Topic to respondā€ to bring you back to this thread.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Pinch-to-zoom still unreliable on latest macOS Ventura 13.3

Pinch to zoom sometimes stops working randomly, not sure what causes it


Same hereā€¦

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Same here. Both Figma and Figjam. MacOS + desktop app.

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A workaround, at least for me on Mac OS Ventura, is going to Settings > Trackpad > Scroll & Zoom > Then toggle off/on Pinch to Zoom in or out. That should fix it temporarily.

Thereā€™s also this app that essentially automates the above step: A fix for when pinch-to-zoom on your Mac stops working

Really hope this is fixed, but itā€™s been over a year so idkā€¦ I believe itā€™s also an Apple issue, not Figma, but they may be connected somehow :man_shrugging:


On macOS, the pinch-to-zoom out gesture on a trackpad is often not detected at first, I have to try multiple times for the gesture to be detected.

This may not be a Figma issue, it could be the OS trying to prevent accidental clicksā€¦

Any another app I use picks up the gesture right away. Could be an Electron issue, or an issue with a custom implemented gesture handler. For what itā€™s worth I also donā€™t have ā€œtap to clickā€ enabled on macOS.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Pinch-to-zoom still unreliable on latest macOS Ventura 13.3

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Pinch-to-zoom still unreliable on latest macOS Ventura 13.3

A post was merged into an existing topic: Pinch-to-zoom still unreliable on latest macOS Ventura 13.3

Hard refresh solved this for me

CMD + Shift + R

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