Launched: Figma Dark Mode/Theme

Free alternative:


This worked like a charm on firefox, now I only need the mac desktop app…aghh

Figma definitely need more options when come to appearance setting. I’d love to have the flexibility to switch between system default, light, or dark mode!

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Still waiting for that day

Me too:)

This is actually one of the main reasons I continue to use Sketch. I think I’ll make the switch to Figma once they implement a dark mode. I totally understand that this is not the feature that’s big companies are putting on RFPs, but it would certainly be a welcome addition!


+1 Yes, please, dark mode as an option. Thanks :sunglasses:

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Not upgrading until dark mode. Sketch is still my go to for this reason…


Thank you! It’s not perfect, and it is not available for Linux, but it works.

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For Linux: GitHub - Figma-Linux/figma-linux: Figma is the first interface design tool based in the browser, making it easier for teams to create software. Join us in and

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Very cool, this is a much better solution!
For those who are tired of waiting


Holy cow! good sh*t this is the best solution so far!

How do we change the desktop to dark mode as well? is that a setting in Figma itself?

desktop = work area? Deselect all and in the right pane you can change the background color

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ok perfect! Thanks! I’m a sketch guy but just getting really into Figma here…

I hope Diablo mode comes out early. Thank you

Been asking for this for awhile too–tried the beta dark mode which works well *enough, but native dark mode would be a huge plus for me!

Come on Figma… I’ve been using the Beta app and a custom build that someone put together which is very far from perfect.

The brand I mainly work on is a dark brand. I can’t stand using the bright AF standard app!!!

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@figma @figmabeta please make a dark theme. Designers pay money and use unsafe dark theme plugins in Figma. We need to fix this.

We request you very much.