👋 Introduce yourself!

Hey everyone, I’m Namnso. Product Designer at Flutterwave and Figma Community Advocate for Africa.

Excited to be here with you all :wave:t5:


Hey! I’m Andrew, a Frontend Designer (design & frontend code) in the Boston area doing design system and product design work at a digital agency called Sparkbox.

My favorite part of Figma is how it matches so much of the functionality of CSS, especially with auto-layout and components. Figma really helps you think in a code mindset without realizing it!

Excited to join you all! :tada: Here’s my personal site andrew-spencer.com


Hi! I’m Gwen,
I live in Austin & have been using Figma off & on for a bit more than a year.
I’ve been away from it for the past couple of months, so excited to learn about all the new features!


Hi everyone! I’m Chi Señires, a UX designer and Front-end Web Developer from the Philippines. I’m currently working as a Lead Product Designer at Cignal TV. I’m also a Figma Community Advocate for [Friends of Figma, Philippines](https://friends., and also a Marketing Lead at UXPH, one of the biggest community of designers and UX enthusiasts in the country.

I also started a Discord server with my friends named Tambayan 404, a play on the Filipino word tambayan meaning “hangout place” and Error 404 (we don’t really know why but it stuck LOL), where Filipino tech people and other tech enthusiasts can hang out, chill, and not talk about work.

You can reach me on Twitter as @ChiSenires. I’m also a casual cyclist, and you can check me out on Strava as well!


:wave: Hi(gh) Sierra! :upside_down_face:


Hi everyone :wave:t2:!
I’m Florian, a junior Product Designer from Germany :de:!
Switched to Figma for everything I do back in October and for me there is no going back. My life is on Autolayout since then and I wouldn’t wanna miss it.
You can see my portfolio here
Feel absolutely free to add me on LinkedIn as well.

Have a good one!


Hello my name is Abdur-rashid am from Nigeria and I started UI/UX Design last year December
Nice to meet you all


Hi everyone, I’m Xiaosong Zhang, an UX designer in Shanghai, China. Coming here from Spectrum, just wanna say hi and look forward further communication in future.



What is up, why is it down? :wink:

It’s true what they say, crises do bring people together.
So here I am, trying to find out why the heck is Figma down and hoping this won’t be happening too often!


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Hi there! I’m James McKay, a Visual designer from England, working in Norway. Been working with Figma for almost a year now, working on a pension service. Nice move with this forum, will probably be back at some point in the future. I wish you all good health, and hope you can all hang in there in these tough times. Just keep on designing! :sunglasses:


Hi Everyone or مرحبا :wave: :wave:

I’m Momen, a Digital product designer from Egypt, I love reading :books: and playing football :soccer: .

some people thinking that I am working with Figma because when it comes to talking about, I become like the most enthusiastic man and start talking about every little feature on Figma then go crazy no one can stop me :grin:

I love discussions and talking with other people to exchange knowledge, curious always and always questioning is my principle :smiley:

Glad to be here and part of this lovely community :heart:



My name is Reichart, I live all over the world.

My Twitter which is not design-focused, but often a 30K review of design, interface, UI, UX, as it applies to software, hardware, and (cough) humans.

I invented and designed Disney’s Animation Software before most of you were born LOL (true).

In the 80s and 90s I created many video games for Nintendo, PlayStation, 3DO, the Amiga, PC, Mac, and many more.

I use Figma for a dozen things, including as a scratch pad of ideas, for making blueprints, designing new inventions, web page layout, UI design, etc. I hope Figma gets better and better.

I use an old tool made by a friend of mine as well called Fireworks, in place of Photoshop. It is like Figma, but with raster abilities, but it is very old sadly (Adobe bought it, and shelved it). But like Figma, it can do a few very cool things that make it worth it over other tools.

But Figma is my goto Vector system now.

I made this traditional animation tutorial for those interested.

Feel free to ask me anything.

Animated Drip



Good to have you in here! :wave:

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Hi My Name is Gregory F. De Graf coo for Fitness Mega Warehouse
Fitness Equipment for the Caribbean Market

I would like to upload this design shown below Live on my website www.fitnessmegawarehouse.com
Can you let me know what I need to do to make this possible


I open to any advice in this matter your truly Gregory F. De Graf

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Hey Gregory welcome! If you have a specific question related to the figma file you posted I would recommend creating a new topic under the product questions category. Thanks. :slight_smile:

A post was split to a new topic: How do I move my Figma design file to my website

Hello~ :wave:
I’m Grey,a UI designer at Wuhan, China. :heart: :heart: :heart:
I made NB Charts, a Figma plugin that create Line chart, column chart, pie , radar chart and map.

Hope you like it.


Hi everyone!

I’m a product designer living out of a home office in south bay, California. :slight_smile: Background is in visual design, and I also dabble in 3D & motion design too.

My favorite things about Figma are variants and smart animate for prototyping!! One wishlist item I have for Figma is the ability to directly communicate with After Effects without having to export and import. It’s a pain right now and I haven’t really found a nice plug-in for it. Or just have a simple animate system inside of Figma, that’d be nice too!

When I’m not designing I like playing computer games and reading books. Currently reading a book about a Palestinian-American family and the role of women in the Arab world after moving to the U.S.

website: lansingcai.com
pass: kitcat2021!
dribbble: Lansing Cai | Dribbble



Hello everyone ::


Hello everyone!

My name is Chip, i am a UX Designer out of the Cleveland Ohio area. My main areas of focus are in Design Systems and DesignOps. Love seeing what is being built with Figma in the community.

Cant wait to connect with more people in this great community.