Guest Comments & Voting for Clients w/o Account

This is so poor. Hugely aggressive and annoying for clients. We were going to migrate over from XD but clients are going to hate this.

Hello everyone! Thank you for sharing your thoughts on guest comments for prototypes.
We truly understand how this feature would be beneficial in your situation. I have passed on your feedback to our internal team for future consideration!



Cheers, Junko.

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This feature would be excellent. Thank you

Please dear Figma team,
This feature proposal really is the deal.
I am out here receiving crappy powerpoint presentations with sh***y screenshots of designs I created in Figma. And all because my client is not allowed to open an account on Figma with his work email address. A comment function for non-registered invitees would really help me to stop relying on powerpoint to get feedbackā€¦ and instead to work even more in your wonderful tool.

Come on Figma! Supa-fast!

I really supported this feature. I come from XD and loved that customers could easily comment without having to register. Definitely a feature I support! Supa-fast! :grin:

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How is this STILL not a feature yet. Come on, Adobe was even able to figure this out. Do better.


Another vote for this feature from me. As agencies, we simply canā€™t force clients to create Figma accounts just to be able to add and view comments. Without this feature, the collaboration in Figma feels second-rate.

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We as agency want to migrate to using Figma, coming from Adobe XD. Right now this feature is a bug to us.


same here. we need this!

24h open sessions are not the solution. we need this feature.

Going to start scheduling calls with sales reps to demand this feature.

Agree, this needs to be a priority but itā€™s 2024 so Iā€™m not sure I have much hope. :sob:

Jumping on the bandwagon here. We are also an agency that wants to migrate from XD to Figma but simply cannot because of this ONE missing feature. Itā€™s the primary reason we use Adobe XD, as clunky as the rest of it can be, because itā€™s EASY for our clients to submit feedback and avoids us receiving 400 emails with feedback.

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Any update if Figma works on this or if they want to implement this at all?

Yes! Our company just switched from XD to Figma and just got around to sharing designs, only to find out they are having trouble accessing them AND they canā€™t comment once they do get in to the open link. Very, very frustrating.

With XD weā€™ve been able to share the links and receive comments from all key stakeholders without asking them to have to create an account.

Please add to the road map for Figma!

Just adding my comment to the thread that this is HUGELY disappointing. I convinced my team to switch from XD to Figma, not realizing that people outside of our team canā€™t leave feedback comments. Most of the people who need to review my wireframes are not designers, they are part of leadership or outside project managers and should not have to log in or create an account.

Seems like I will have to continue using XD for anything that needs to be reviewed outside of my immediate team (which is most things).

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I guess they are more worried about AI than real useful feature to be able to do our workā€¦ Very disappointed in Figma wit h this one. Looking for alternative as we speaks.


Likewise :frowning: I run into this all the time.