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i have installed the Lottiefile Plugin and insert the Json file. It shows correctly in the Preview but when i convert to gif and insert to Figma, it shows only a Picture ??


Thank You

It’s okay, this is Figma’s default behavior. You can run the prototype and test the playback of your GIF.

Figma Help Center

It does not work in prototype view

I have a same problem.

When I convert to Lottie JSON to gif and insert to Figma , it shows a picture.

Lottiefiles plugin doesn’t work.

Did you solve this problem?

So I can convert the Lottie File to a GIF…

but its white logo and I want it transparent on a

dark gradient background…

So in Adobe XD I can just drag in a JSON animation

and it works. Why cant FIGMA figure that out?

I created a Lottie JSON. But when I try to insert the converted GIF in Figma with the help of “Add to Figma” button in Lottiefiles plugin…nothing happens. I see no GIF file being added to my Figma file.

When I add SVG it doesnt work but when I add GIF it works 🤷🏾‍♀️