Community page not scrolling bug

Even though the ‘idea’ is closed, the community page still has issues scrolling when logged in. Community page not scrolling bug

When logged in I have custom scrollbar in the window. Scrolling (dragging, mousewheel) only works when I move the mouse over that custom scrollbar.

When I remove all cookies/storage and effectively logout I get the normal system scrollbar and scrolling works as expected again.

I experience this in the last 3 recent versions of desktop Safari.

@Michel_Binkhorst I’m going to check in on this with our community team.

Additionally, I’m going to both re-open the original post you linked to, and merge your feedback over there (this helps keep track of how many users are being affected).

I’ll have any updates posted over there as well.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Community page not scrolling bug