Allow us to dock/move the new UI3 toolbar

I grow enough anger to go fight a bear when working with this floating toolbar.

Moving it to top won’t solve my problems with it. Im a heavy user (managing design system landscape and designs) and work A LOT and need it FAST.

Floating toolbar gets surrounded by content and constantly lose the controls because they too close to and mix with content. These constant ‘hiccups’ in my workflow pull me out of focus. Its driving me nuts.

I have made dozens of attempts to turn UI3 on. But I can’t bear it, always getting back to UI2, but knowing my productive time is counted.

+1 for moving the toolbar to the top / allowing for free dragging. I love the rest of the redesign tho

collapsible pages/layer panel is good. the right properties panel contrast (Photoshop ~2020 all over again), boxes, icons - literally stops you on your tracks. This is my second trial with about two days of non stop in the new UI. I couldn’t understand how to make auto width for a text box since it moved outside the text properties and is an icon pointing →. I kept on clicking resize to fit :man_facepalming: Went to tweak few photos > the dials are twice as big yet again no % values for the adjusters. Toolbox.

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Why to have an App UI element which visually appears to be a floating toolbar, and then it’s fixed (why?) and beside this on the bottom (2x why?). There’s only one reason to place important menus like toolbars etc at the bottom: On mobile devices. Not that probable that we start designing on our phones, nope?

Funny you made the same mistakes like Microsoft in Teams (the taskbar was ALWAYS covering other important regions inside a presentation and fixed, finally & years after, they made it at least moveable). Another hero in this team was Adobe with their firefly toolbar, always wrong position and annoying while editing, too. But they also fixed this really soon in the beginning, making it drawable and even possible to pin to custom position.

But hey, you are the leader with UI Design development app like Figma. And you don’t do your own homework? That’s simply hilarious, really.

And one more question: Why use a floating bar for something essential and constantly needed (as long as people prefer clicking over using shortcuts, which is clearly a user preference that should be respected in app design)?

Would you design a system / OS main menubar as a dropdown just to use something different from the toolbox? Unbelievable, please fix this soon.

Please let us move it to the top or hide it with a shortcut.
This bar gets in the way of the design, sits in a super common position for the mac dock and windows menu triggering for the user with no intention and it doesn’t really hold much value other than staying on top of every design.

This need REWORK! It is a bad UX outcome but I bet with good intentions. This fixed inside canvas location is actually more distracting than the old UI where the full menu bar on top was outside the canvas. Most people on Macs have the Mac dock item at the bottom, it clearly interferes in close proximity. Allow either to position it to Top-Center, Top-Left, Top-Right, Bottom-Center, Bottom-Left, Bottom-Right or preferably anywhere floating on screen as a floating hide-able detachable bar/panel. Also if you want to make it more handy, I recommend some sort of key combo click which could access it anywhere on screen. I’ve used Maya in the past and it has one of the most efficient way to access menu items by hotbox marking menu implementation anywhere on screen. It really saves tons of time in 3D workflow when you don’t have to access 2-3 level depth menu items by navigating to fixed menus on top or elsewhere.

Yes! Most people here seem to want the toolbar top-center, but I’ve tested PenPot which has it located there and I thought it was just as distracting… maybe even more-so.

I was thinking that top-left would be ideal. I wasn’t even thinking about having it vertical, so thanks for mocking that up! I think it’s a great option!

Honestly, I think we just need freedom here - Give options for top-center, bottom center, top-left, bottom-left, top-right, bottom-right, and vertical or horizontal options.

Also, I’m sure most people use hotkeys and don’t even need a toolbar at all, so maybe have the option to hide it. Or think of a way to have a visual indication of what tool you’re currently on without the need of the entire toolbar.

Another vote for being able to move the toolbar!

Hi Guys… unfortunately I got your new toolbar UI update. PLEASE leave my workspace alone and don’t cover it with floating toolbar. This is such a bad UI implementation.

Any setting I can do to revert to the old, proven and “out of the way” original toolbar setting at the top of the screen?

I need the option to dock the toolbar at the top instead of the bottom. Most of my time is spent on the upper half of the screen. And (I realize this is very user-specific) my desk is arranged in such a way that the lower half of my large working display is sometimes partially obscured by my laptop display. So I’m having to shrink the size of the Figma window so I don’t loose track of the toolbar.

I’m switching to the old UI until forced to stay on the new one because of this change.

This is the biggest crime this UI commits. It’s change for the sake of change and I would love to see the quantitative and qualitative metrics used to justify this change. This is by far the biggest blocker to using the new UI.

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I am 10 seconds into this UI update and I absolutely HATE the toolbar being at the bottom of the screen. This is supposed to be a UX Design tool, and you incorporate the worst UX design into your own app? Why?

Why would you break the standard of every other design tool in existence that puts the toolbar across the top, or down the left side of the screen? Just to be cute?


I admit that having the toolbar at the bottom center is pretty annoying, considering that I barely look at my dock while working but more on the top side of the screen.
Also the action panel would be better being on the top or rather at the center of the screen.

For a platform that user experience designers use to create, the actual user experience is not constantly looking down for the task bar, please let us dock this where we would like it. Similar to how Illustrator has it where you can place it where you like

The toolbar was causing me problems when I needed to take screenshots. I ended up deleting the html element in the inspect tools. Doesn’t help with the actual issue, which really should be fixed but it was a viable work around for my problem.

-Would be nice have the possibility to stick it to the edge. I find the new floating one distracting.
Also, that gap between the new toolbar and the border of the window is a waste of space. The risk to click something in that gap for mistake is higher.
When you move the mice for select a tool, you often uses the border of the screen as reference for target the button with the cursor. Dunno if I well explain what I mean… basically, when you have a wide movement of the cursor to do, usually you naturally hit the border as first, fast, movement, then you adjust the cursor with a precise movement and hit your target.

-Why not have the possibility to have it back on top, as an option?

-These tools are now extremely small and squeezed too much for who is working with shapes daily, previous ones were easier to use. Which is the logic of have elements options in the sidebar, where values are managed?
Why not have them back in the same bar of the toolbar? Somewhat like this?

Thanks for reading!


Please allow the toolbar to be placed wherever I want it to stay in the viewport! The first Issue I encountered when updating was that my Windows toolbar covered the Figma toolbar when I was in full-screen mode. This caused a good bit of frustration because I couldn’t see the toolbar.

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Allow us to dock / move / hide / show the toolbar. I literally can’t use Figma right now. It’s thrown my brain backwards looking at this.

I would love to know what the rationale was for the bottom floating toolbar. I guess the rationale for floating it is that it gives you more real estate. But it’s not usable extra estate. It’s just a visual distraction, instead of having a perfectly simple and predictable rectangle for your work area. Imagine if you had a real canvas, and instead of it being a rectangle, there’s two 2cm thick rectangles at the bottom hanging off the bottom of the canvas - is that helpful? No, it’s just ugly and annoying clutter. The empty space to the left and right of the old toolbar in the old design was a non-issue.

As for why it was decided to put it at the bottom instead of top - I’m absolutely baffled by this one.

edit: ah, I think I’ve figured out this baffling new design. They know full well it’s terrible UX for intentional design with tools, but it’s the perfect UX if you just want to press the AI button on mobile. I’m guessing this is phase one, and there’ll be a future phase where the only tool in the tool bar will be “ask AI” (to design me a ___ clone)

In editing tools mostly toolbar positioned to top or right side. in bottom it is so confusing and difficult to access. please position it top or make it flexible

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