I’m newbie here, and i’ve been searching for the topics i’m looking for, but i still can’t find a solution, hopefully somebody can help me with this.
I’m new to Figma, but i’ve used Illustrator and XD previously.
In Figma, when i wanna select an element, i click on the element (let’s say a rectangle),
the whole layer will be selected (the whole block).
I need to double click the element, an the single element will be selected.
But when i wanna select multiple elements,
let’s say
- rectangle
- wordings in rectangle
- wordings on top of rectangle
When i double click on each of the above elements, sometimes the whole layer is selected again (whole block).
Can i prevent automatically selecting whole layer?
If i lock the layer, of course everything could not be select then.
I don’t understand why the whole layer is auto selected, as the area was big, everytime i click on any of the elements, by default, the whole block will be selected first.
Is there any settings to change this?
Thank you.