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I am very new to this product and started designing without taking any class for this, this is really easy.

I started with a blank frame (canvas) started placing images and text and vectors (vectors and images are imported by file CTRL + Shift + K) now if I need to expand length of frame so I can design there, some vectors (not all) will be either stretch with canvas or displace.

Could not figure out frame connection with placed vectors.

Oh well, you just need to understand constraints

Check this little 4min video

I didn’t get what should I do 🤔 I tried virtually all the combinations I could think of with this “constraint” thing, and the SVGs I imported keep stretching when I try to increase the frame’s size.

i was having the same issue, but figured out the solution from this video (though it wasn’t clearly said.) Select the vector image, and then on the constraints panel to the right, set the top level constraint. This sets the vector to remain the same distance from the top of the frame, so that it doesn’t move/stretch when updating the frame height.

I figured out you can also just hold ctrl while resizing the canvas and you’ll be able to resize it very easily.

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