Hi erveryone,
is anyone willing to do a usability study for my high fidelity prototype project?
I need at least 5 participants (one with a disability to measure how well the Accessibility for this app works).
Here is the link to Google Sheets: https://forms.gle/WnwQEWtTKeQ7oJ5fA
And here is the link to my figma prototype: https://www.figma.com/proto/7ygL24HQcMR9J576yZj4TC/Wireframes-and-Low-Fidelity-Prototype?type=design&node-id=650-2723&scaling=min-zoom&page-id=649%3A2588&starting-point-node-id=650%3A2723
If one professional UX Designer could take a look at this prototype, I would really appreciate it.