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Я случайно зашел не под почтой и паролем, а нажал выполнить вход через гугл аккаунт. И когда зашел, то у меня исчезло больше половины моих проектов. Как все восстановить?

@jobforjk Apologies if my translation of this is incorrect, but any disappearing files and account issues will have to be handled by our support team. We’re not able to help with this on the forum to protect your privacy and security.

Please fill out the form here, and someone will get back to you:

One thing: it’s possible you may have 2 Figma accounts. One that you were actively using that has all the files you’re looking for, and a second connected via Google that has only some of the files shared to it from your active account. Just a theory, but I can’t be sure.

Ok, thank you