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Once I get to the review section of the payment process I get an error which states "Full seats have been added to the team since you first opened it. Please Reload.

Has anyone had this issue before? I have no clue what it means?

Hey @Arian_Alighanbari_UX_IU - apologies for the trouble. I did some digging on my end, and I see that you were able to successfully upgrade one of your teams yesterday after posting this.

Are you still having trouble? Let me know if that’s the case. We can get into more specific detail via PM.

Hello @ksn I’m also experiencing the same problem. I’m receiving an email that my payment wasn’t processed. I believe I have given the right details. Please help me 🙏.

Hey @anon478646 - for you personally at this time, you’ll need to reach out to support for further assistance. I’m not able to actually see why payments didn’t go through, and I’m unable to locate your Figma account attached to the profile you used to post here.

Please fill out this form, and someone will reach out as soon as possible:

rAs a side note, I’m going to close this topic – for anyone else who sees this issue, please immediately fill out the form mentioned above. You are also welcome to open up a new topic for yourself on the general forum.]