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Goal: I want to share a Figma Slides presentation link with my client, allowing them to comment but preventing access to the file itself, including the ability to view speaker notes or other hidden features.

Issue: When setting permissions to ‘View’ for Anyone or Invited, clients can open the file and access the toolbar, which includes speaker notes and other options. Is there a way to restrict their access to commenting only without exposing these additional elements?

Hello @Korey_Vincent, Thank you for getting in touch regarding this matter. I completely understand your concerns.

Regrettably, the feature you are looking for is not available at the moment. Nevertheless, this suggestion would indeed make for a valuable feature request!

I have encountered a feature request post that shares similar concepts here. I will merge your feedback with theirs to consolidate all related input in one location for improved visibility.

Thank you once again for sharing your valuable input!

A post was merged into an existing topic: Support configurable permissions when sharing a presentation (like you can on prototypes)