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We have an existing naming structure for our files that Figma does not serve well. File names are excessively truncated, especially when viewing Projects in list view. Removing the excess white space from the column ‘File name’ would be great. Allowing column widths in list view to be adjusted would be even better. Thanks!

Agreed. When viewing list view in Projects, almost half of the available space for file names is unused. When viewing a file, the file name is more important than the file path. I say remove the file path portion, this would free up space to show more of the file name.

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Why is Figma so bad at organizing projects? I mean, there’s no possibility of creating folders with a Project’s files in a intuitive way, I know you can move them into a project but it should be “right click - create folder - add to folder”, simple. And the fact that I can’t enlarge the left bar is just plainly wrong. I use long nomenclatures for my projects, as one should do, and it’s almost impossible to know which is which without opening them, and if you are with the client, that looks incredibly unprofessional. Even the file’s names are to short, I can only see a few words even on my big screen. These shouldn’t be issues in a software mostly used by UX designers TBH. Just food for thought.

Hi @Andres_Fernando_De_Moya_Mugno , thanks for your feedback.

Others in the community have requested something similar, we merged your topic so we can gather the feedback in one place.

On my 14 inch Macbook, I can’t see the entire length of file names. I always default to an alphabetical list to find files, and in this case the file differentiation is at the end of the list. There’s a ton of white space that isn’t being used effectively, but if I could customize the column widths, it wouldn’t be a problem.

Hi @Lisa41 , thank you for your feedback! Others in the community have requested something similar. I merged your topic with one to gather all the feedback in the same place. Do not also forget to vote up your idea! ⬆️
