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I logged onto Figma desktop this morning. I was organizing my drafts and I was prompted with “Delete the following 10 files”, which were the default files that you get when you create a Figma account. I checked to make sure that the files selected for deletion were the correct ones, that no others files were selected, and that there was no random pagination that wasn’t displaying any other files to make sure that only those 10 files would be deleted. When I hit “Delete”, it then said “Deleting all 900+ files”…

I am trying to contact support to escalate this issue because I did not say to delete my entire Figma account’s drafts. I am hoping to get this resolved ASAP. I have contacted support, made a ticket, and messaged Figma on social…I would really like to get this ticket escalated internally if at all possible given that all of my files will need to be restored and I am unsure if Figma has any backup…

Someone please help 😭

Hey Liza - I think a support member has reached out to you via email. Please reply to it if you need further help 😊