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I would like my overlay to close when the user scrolls, or be able to control the z-order, so it scrolls under my pinned header. Any ideas on this? Right now my manual overlay scrolls with the page and scrolls over the top of pinned items, looking broken and glitchy.


I made a magnifier icon appear as an overlay when scroll the app down.

When the icon pops as an overlay, my interactive button does not work anymore.

Video here (new user can’t embed)

A solution would be close the overlay with some interaction like touch up or drag some other frame while scrolling.

But we can’t “close targeted overlay” as an interaction by scrolling or doing something. Mouse enter or mouse leave aren’t an option in mobile apps.

Can Figma possible add a “close targeted overlay” or something like that?

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Additive overlay actions, as «close overlay and go to»

Hey there, thanks for the feedback!

We’ve merged this topic with an existing one in the community. While this isn’t possible right now, this is already on our radar for improvement. Feel free to add your feedback for the team and vote there.