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  1. Describe the problem your experiencing and how your idea helps solve this.

  • just happened today, I cannot share draft for edit to my colleagues. It just saying unable to assign the editor level.

  1. Add as much context as possible (screenshots, Figma files, mockups, etc.)

With the changes to the Starter plan, we are no longer able to share Drafts with editor access.

I spoke to customer support recently about this (as I share many Drafts to my clients with editor access), and they let me know that if you upgrade to the Professional plan, it will allow you to again share Drafts with editor access.

I was unable to find any mention of this change in the pricing page or the blog post about the Starter plan changes. I think it needs to be made much clearer. But that’s the solution.

Oh my god! I will let the team know about this. Thanks man.

I’m super bummed to see Figma made this change

Yeah. I only noticed this article last friday - About Figma’s new Starter plan
