Hey there,
I have a very (very) annoying issue. Let me explain with details.
I’m working on a master file in a company workspace. This master file use 2 library files located in the same company workspace : 1 for my design system, 1 for my Font Awesome icon kit. I’m using this system for a year without any problem.
I can import and use my design system in my master file and I can import icons from my kit to my master file too.
BUT some of my design system components use icons from the library, and these specific icons are the issues : When I import a component with icons in the master file and I try to change the icon to another, then the icon is not displayed properly.
I have to delete 1 caracter, right click and Reset All Overrides to overcome the problem.
But I can’t do it everytime and I don’t understand what I did wrong.
Please, can somebody help me ?? I’m despared and it’s kind of an emergency…
Specs : MacOS Monterey, Figma App