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I love auto layout but I hate that it’s a frame. I’d much prefer it to be a section because:

  1. It hides the names of the frames inside and makes it hard to select them;


  2. When exporting all frames to pdf, it exports it as a single pdf image of all your frames organised, making me have to remove all the frames from inside the auto layout frame before exporting.

Hey @Henrique_Baptista_da_Silva, Thank you for taking the time to share your detailed thoughts with us!

I noticed there’s a similar suggestion that’s already been made here, so I’ll go ahead and combine your request with it to ensure it gets the visibility it deserves. Also, one of our community members has provided a workaround there, feel free to take a look.

Thanks once more for your valuable input.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Add auto layout to Sections