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It would be really helpful to be able to lock design system updates for specific files that we want to use as a moment in time and not be edited or updated. For example, handoff files or prototypes of an app at a specific moment in time. With the design system updates pop-up, we’ve run into issues where DS changes were accidentally accepted and it broke the prototype. We were able to revert the changes in the file history, but it would be great to be able to prevent accidental DS updates from happening in the first place. (Saving time needed to check in and see if someone purposefully accepted the DS updates or if it was a mistake).

You can use Branches for that. Have your main branch as the “locked” or approved one colleagues can access. And make any design changes within branches.

You can then share the links to the branches to DEV for review and approval and once everyone is in agreement you merge that branch back into the main file.


Not only for that. I think I could be useful to lock versions of the designs, and leave them as they were. In my case, I need to update the components for a 1.1 version, but I need the 1.0 version to stay as it was and I don want to create new components because it is easier to update the ones that I already have.

We use versioning for that. One working copy, where new stuff is done. Once ready, we make a copy of that file and publish as a new version. And then another one and so on. This prevents our users from being bombarded with changes and keeps their designs steady. And just because all of these are copies of the same file it is fairly easy to upgrade just by swapping one library for another.
