Unable to locate "On tap" in the prototype

Did you create the interaction from the variant itself and not from the objects inside it?

Your component consists of the following layers:


Which layer did you add the increase/decrease interaction to?

The tutorial I watched did create as many variants as it should have counts. So I created it from 0-9. They then showed that we have to do the interactions from the objects inside, as minus should decrease and plus should increase. But in this new version of Figma, you cannot link the minus specifically with the variant. So the whole thing does make no sense. I will now try to find another way to make this work. You mentioned that “I can create advanced prototyping with variables so that I don’t have to create variants for every value in Figma”. I have to have a look into this. Thank you so much for your help so far. Looks like some tutorials are just too old and the way things get done these days are completely different.

Nothing has really changed, and you can still create interaction connections from nested objects of one variant to another variant.

Could you share detailed screenshots, a video (where all the Figma panels are visible) or a link to the file so that anyone can help you?

Sure: https://www.figma.com/file/KfZzYw72LXcf1UFfbPVBX9/Untitled?type=design&node-id=0%3A1&mode=design&t=BM8eqi7DwiWx4Tdh-1

Thank you Yury!

As I thought:

You don’t need to create an interaction from the variant itself. You should have selected a nested object, such as a “Plus” instance, and added an interaction. Check out this video for an example:

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Thanks so much, I tried to do a video but it is too big. So I left some comments in the Figma file. Unfortunately when I try to click on the plus and then try to move the arrow to the next variant it always jumps to the middle. I am so sorry I really feel just so stupid :frowning:

I also noticed, that in when I want to edit the component in my paid version, the option “on click” is not given, only “on tap”. I wonder if this also have something to do?

Nevertheless in the same file you created the video from, I have no chance to move the arrow from the object + to the next variant.

Do you mean when you drag a connection from the Minus or Plus icon, that connection snaps to the middle of the variant you need? If so, then everything is in order.

It’s the same trigger or gesture that has its own name for touch/non-touch devices.

Please record a video and upload it to YouTube, for example.

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Thanks again, yeah I can’t connect them.

I can’t see the video due to restricted access. Please set up video access correctly.

https://youtu.be/DjBOvUKJFgA it should work now.


Please watch the video from this post again to see which layers I choose:

Take a close look not only at the canvas, but also at the Layers and Prototype panels.

Sounds like you need to learn the basics of prototyping in Figma.


OMG, I finally got it. It always jumped back to the default variant instead of nested object. I am truly grateful for ALL your help, time and effort! I am really really grateful! Thank you!