Text Decorations Won't Display for Specific Font | Underline, Strikethrough

the problem was the open sans that the figma system provides, we need to add the Mac/PC open sans system font and activate it.

steps that i used to fix this issue:

  1. in the font book(system fonts folder), delete the system open sans font
  2. install the open sans font package with all the weights.
  3. In the font book(system fonts folder), right click on the new installed font package, select “activate”
  4. close figma and open figma again
  5. in figma, in the same font, you will have two options or just one option for the weight of the font, change between them and that works. if the weight didn’t change then try to:
    a. reinstall the specific font weight by replacing the previous one.
    b. restart figma to apply

Our team encountered the same inability to apply text decoration to Ringside within Figma, and flagged it to Monotype/Hoefler. They’ve now corrected the bug in version 1.31 of Ringside Complete. If you have proof of purchase, you can email info@typography.com and request the updated font files. They’ll send you a ZIP. :white_check_mark: