Space(s) added when copying a text from website on Windows

Having the same issue and it is slowing productivity. Any fixes?

Hey all – I’m looking into this.

I can see it happening when you paste directly into a text box in Figma, but if you just copy + paste the text into the file, the formatting is as expected.

Can doing that (just copying + pasting onto the canvas) be the solution for you in the meantime?

I have the same problem, it probably arose about 2 weeks ago. When copying text, space is added. Could someone tell me when it will be fixed? It`s unreal to work like this

@ksn Also having this issue, that approach will work for some applications but when copying and pasting from PPT to the canvas it results in an image instead of text.

Thanks all! I can confirm this is a bug, and that engineering is working on it.

I don’t have an exact timeline, but I’ll post an update here when a fix is pushed out.


ugh same. This also just started happening in the last few weeks. the only way to get around this is to right click paste. the key command adds like 10 lines before the text in the textbox. i hope it is fixed soon