Slices wont appear on top of images, it shifts them between modules

I’m new to Figma, but I’ve been using XD for a while. I received a template to build a landing page from. The landing page is set up very specific, with a lot of auto adjusting and components being used. I’m trying to do my image slices, but when I draw a slice over the image, Figma redirects that slice to a spot between modules, or at the end of the page. Even copy and pasting into this template shifts the object to a different spot. Does anyone know how I can overcome this? I’m burning hours trying to figure it out. :frowning:

Hey @Ashley14 ! Could you provide some pictures of the problem you are having, or a video showcasing the issue? Thank you!

Hi Ashley, I am also having this problem. I wanted to make the same 6 slices across several templates to export images. Each time I copied the set or event tried to slice individually over one image across each design, the slices jump off the template. The templates are usually grouped as delivered from another team so I try to work around this by ungrouping yet the slices still dont directly slice over the template and jump between the other components/images resulting in the whole design shifting around. I individually sliced each image but had to start the slice outside the template and not diectly over the design. This is costing me hours

Hey Natalie, thank you for reaching out! I do understand that you’re workaround is frustrating because it takes you hours but I’m happy to help to investigate here further what’s causing this.

I was not able to reproduce this is on my end. When copy pasting the sliced I’ve grouped they don’t “jump off the template” also I am able to use the slice tool over images.

Please let me know if I’ve missed a step.

Are you able to share a screen recording with me what you’re seeing on your end?
Also is this happening on the browser or in the desktop app?

I’d suggest also to take a look in our Help Center article for quick fixes:

Thank you in advance!