Running into WASM "bugs"

Hi there,

I’m currently working on a code syntax highlighting plugin for Figma but I’m running into problems that are very hard for me to debug or pin down the problem. (Probably related to the JS runtime running in WASM.)

Here is what I’m trying to do:

  • Creating a TextNode via figma.createText()
  • Set all sorts of properties (fontName, fontSize, …)

Here are the error messages I’m seeing:

Using the default VM makes errors a bit cryptic, so they may not actually be what you are seeing. Try enabling developer VM, its errors are much more human-readable.

Plugins → Development → Use developer VM

Thanks a lot for that tip!

Turns out the problems above have disappeared after having restarted Figma. I’ll keep an eye out for similar problems in the future and will report back in case the problems appear again.

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