LAUNCHED: State management for prototypes

Basically, it won’t work if you have any ease at all. Putting it to 1ms allows the processing to occurs before Figma has time to prevent the reset.

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+1, I have a progress bar component that is supposed to illustrate a file being uploaded. It works the first time, but if you go back to upload another file, the progress bar doesn’t work. I too need a way to “reset” an animation.


+1, can’t loop animation between variants with sub component probably because of that.
Could be cool to be able to set prototype arrow from and to the component itself to reset it.


@Figma_Support Is there any update on this fix??


I can’t get it to reset either. @Figma_Support please help.


+1 on this. I’m working on an app intro, basically a looping sequence of a few animated components using “after delay” interactions and smart animate (it’s awesome what can be done with Figma these days, by the way). Works fine on a first round, shows components in their final state after on. Kind of a show stopper.


Does anyone know how to elevate/change this to a topic that can receive votes? Or how to get @Figma_Support to chime in or help?

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Here is the link to vote

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confirmed this works

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Great Idea! It works but only if you long press the mouse button. If you click fast like you normally do it will only do the touch down action but not the touch up action. Am i missing something?

Thanks for sharinf your tip.

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+1, please provide a fix for this. Very annoying for heavily animated prototypes.


+1 Having the same problem creating a drop down menu.

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This is an extremely important and necessary feature that will open up great opportunities for using interactive components!

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I think the ideal fix would be something that allowed us to chose how the components behave with would be best, with a “Reset on exit” or similar option available in the Interaction details panel that would give us the best of both words.

With “Reset on exit” on, the component resets to its default state.

With it off, the component stays how it was left by the interaction.


+1 this is important feature and makes a lot of sense its really a share we cant reload each component

+1. This would enable powerful looping animations containing nested looped components based on ‘after delay’ triggers


I hope there will be an option for resetting animation within interactive components in the near future. But since the lack of reaction from the @Figma_Team I fear the worst. #justdoitalready :wink:

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Still waiting on this update. Anyone know if it’s in the works?
Work arounds I’ve come up with are not very elegant.

Thanks a lot!! :purple_heart: I was seraching for a way to load an element after delay only once (by first load of the prototype) and that’s what exatcly needed! Copied the first screen and with few changes have it in seconds done!! :100: Thanks!!

Adding my +1 to the choir, this feature seems to be pretty fundamental when dealing with interactive components

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