Image problem : Unsaved Changes

Hey all we’ve identified the issue and the team is working on a fix. Thanks for hanging in there with us!

Hey all we just pushed a fix. Can you verify that this is working again?

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It works on my side yes, thanks

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Still having issues. Team members can see some image changes I’m making but not all. Still getting the unsaved changes icon.
Will this fix itself?

Yeah. It works on my end as well. Thanks!

Thanks for letting us know. We’re still actively monitoring this. Can you let me know if this gets auto-resolved in the next few minutes?

Hey, this is still not resolved. Is there anything I can do to prompt a save or a fix?

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I also still have a problem with images, the file is not saved. :cold_sweat:

For those that are still running into issues here, can you send me a PM with a link to the file ideally with sharing edit access to

writes this: an invalid image or thumbnail was removed.
and the question is not specifically about the images or the file, I tried to import these images and others, as well as create a new draft and insert it into it. nothing works out. There is an image in the layers, but the workspace is empty.
Yes, the images are of good quality, but I work in Figma every day, I have never had such problems. What to do? Help :pleading_face:

Are you able to send over a link to the file via PM so one of our engineers can take a closer look

thank you for your help, I don’t know how, but everything seems to be working out

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the problem is not really solved

I have the same issue right now. I couldn’t see the images in FigJam and also Figma. Here is the screenshot:

Hey Josh, I have sent an invitation to I have the same issue in FigJam also, couldn’t see the images. Thanks for your support in advance

Hi, I just started having this issue for the first time today.

Interestingly enough, the issue was only seen within my latest file though, and duplicating said file actually fixed the issue in the new copy. I also don’t have that issue if I create a new file from scratch. :man_shrugging:

Hi, yes it also works for me, I copied the file and now I can see the images. Weird :thinking:

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