How to join office hours once you have registered?


Sorry if this is a silly question. I saw the Figma event coming up for wednesday 25th and I registered. But I received no confirmation email or link to join the online event.

I am unsure how it works to join as I haven’t joined a live event before. I see its on zoom, but not much more.

Any info from anyone?

Hi @Bronwyn1,

Upon registering, you should have been given details on how to join the Zoom. You should have also received a confirmation with the same details via the email you used to sign-up with the subject line: Office Hours: Figma like the pros Confirmation

Please be sure to check you spam/junk folder just in case it landed there by mistake.

Thanks for getting back to me. I didnt get confirmation the first time registering - have checked all spam etc. But I did it from mobile so I may have made an error. I just registered again via desktop and all worked as you mentioned. Thank you!

Out of interest is there somewhere we can find upcoming events / arrange to be notified? I searched figma community but couldnt find anything except old recordings. It was just by chance that I saw this upcoming one on my youtube feed.

You’re welcome!

Your best bet would be following our social channels and allowing notifications. Our designer advocates will usually announce upcoming events on LinkedIn: and Twitter: