Home Screen is blank all of a sudden

My home screen went blank today all of a sudden, unable to access Home - screenshot attached. This is only happening on my MacBook Pro. I also updated the Mac OS to 13.4.1 (c) (22F770820d) today.

Figma Desktop App version 116.11.1

Is anyone has ever experienced this?

@Karan_Chawla can you try clearing the app cache to see if that helps?

You can clear the desktop app cache on a Mac in the Help menu under Troubleshooting. If you’d prefer, you can also run through these steps:

  1. Quit the Figma desktop app

  2. Open Terminal.app and enter the following command: rm -rf "$HOME/Library/Application Support/Figma"

  3. Try opening the desktop app again

Thanks Knishida, it worked! :slight_smile:


Yay! Glad to help :smiley:

I’ll close this topic, but feel free to DM me or create a new topic if any other issues come up.

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