Fixed/Scrolls feature in Layers

Figma developers, please remove this fixed/scrolls “feature”, it’s just awful! Why is it that when I mark something as “Fix position when scrolling”, it automatically moves up into a separate category? It makes absolutely no sense and just messes everything up. Why does this feature exist? If I need to move some fixed layer/folders/framer to the top - I can do it myself, thanks, no need to do it automatically! What makes you think that if I have fixed the position of some layers, then I necessarily want to see it on top of other layers?:man_shrugging: This is so annoying I just don’t have the words, I haven’t seen anything like this anywhere else. I found some “crutches” on how to get around this “feature”, but I don’t feel like doing such silly things. Please fix this or make it possible to disable this “feature”. Thank you.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Fix Position when scrolling for background (or any other layer not on top)

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